TrueCare shows signs of when a major fall
could be on the horizon


3 possible falls were captured in residence closely leading up to the major event

Spike in bedtime the night prior (11:49 PM)

Earlier awakening (6:55 AM) on the same day

Apr 9th

Major fall in community dining room: patient hit head and went to ER

TrueCare identified behavior trends in the resident’s home that were precursors to a fall that led to hospitalization. Lucy had three potential falls inside her home on March 22, April 3, and April 4. She managed to regain her footing after each incident. However, the night of April 8 marked a deviation from her usual schedule, going to bed two hours later and waking up three hours earlier. This shift, coupled with declining mobility and insufficient rest, culminated in a fall at the bistro that sent her to the ER.

Signs of increased stability events, possible falls inside the home & poor sleep are good indicators that a future fall could occur if preventative measures are not put in place.

TrueCare can help monitor if an
intervention is effective


After returning from the hospital, the care team used TrueCare mobility insights to put in place a therapy plan to prevent recurrent falls and track whether the plan was effective. The therapy was supportive in maintaining mobility levels for some time. Unfortunately, after therapy commenced, TrueCare identified that the residents' mobility was further deteriorating. Staff determined that therapy was not sufficient alone and the resident would need to transition. TrueCare’s data supported the family in this decision.

Monitoring mobility trends can help care teams realize if therapy is working.

Undressed wound discovered by an alert of high bathroom frequency


Unusually high frequency of bathroom visits,
up to 30 times a day, after undergoing surgery

TrueCare can alert staff when unusual shifts in behavior trends occur. In this case, an unusually high occurrence of bathroom visits allowed staff to lean in and discover an undressed wound. Proper wound management is critical in communities to minimize risk of infection. The care team was able to provide an onsite redressing service.

TrueCare’s high bathroom frequency insight allowed care teams to prevent an infection.

TrueCare assisted to Reduce the Risk of a Fall


Sedentary Time

TrueCare identified an increase in sedentary time

Stability Score

Ralph’s stability began to weaken

Sleep Patterns

Changes in sleep patterns were identified

Taken together this data suggested potential for a fall event. The care team decided to increase rounds on Ralph to provide additional support for him and prevent a real fall from happening.

TrueCare can continue to be used to detect additional decline, pointing to additional interventions.

TrueCare Identified UnsafeBehavior to Facilitate an Intervention


Nighttime bathroom visits

Sleep Score

TrueCare provided clear evidence of a night wandering event occurring outside of the home. The community used this information to implement an intervention, initiating a conversation with Mary around unhealthy behavior.

Since that conversation, the community was able to use TrueCare to see that the intervention was effective. The resident showed less night time activity and better sleep scores.

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